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Another earthquake in NZ
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:56 am
by kiwi60
Christchurch suffered another earthquake today at 12.51pm - this time it's bad. So far there are 65 confirmed dead, but unconfirmed estimates are between 200 - 400 will be the final number.
A large part of that beautiful city's cbd is in ruins and will need to be torn down.
I've been in contact with my family and friends down there and I've been lucky - all are accounted for and ok, but I really feel for those who have lost those who matter to them. ... urch-quake
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:26 pm
by stan
Watched the news in dismay as yet again the people of Christchurch got beaten up,
It's been an increadible few months for natural disasters in this part of the world, my thoughts and prays go out to all our friends across the ditch, to those who have lost friends and family, and to the rescue workers that have a very grim task in font of them
Stay safe people
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:53 am
by djalbin
I hope all is well with the EXUP members in NZ. News coverage has been showing all the damage as well as the strong spirit of the New Zealanders.
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:24 pm
by owdamer
Hope everyone is ok. A couple of old friends enigrated to christchurch about 10 years ago. They're ok, but a couple who lived a few hundred yards from me emigrated there last year and their house has been destroyed. Must be a very scary thing to go through.
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:19 pm
by kiwi60
My 80yr old mum has had enough and rang me of friday so I could get her the hell out of there.
I got her on the last seat of a plane coming up to Auckland on Saturday morning, she'll be here for a few months, or until things setlle down. And if they don't, she's welcome to stay for as long as she wants to / needs to.
All the mother-in-law stories and jokes don't mean a thing to my wife, this is about family and we will make it ok - I'm lucky to have a mother and wife who get on like best friends which makes it a lot easier all round.
My brother and his wife have also left Christchurch to live at the old family homestead about 100km out, which is extremly generous of the current owner who is also a family friend.
The rest of the extended family down there are also starting to take the option to relocate until things settle down - especially the elderly.
In the last 24 hours they've not only packed up what they need to travel, but have also had all the house furniture etc packed and put into secure storage - were getting looters around the city and boy are the authorities taking a hard line with these low lifes when they get hold of them.
We owe a huge debt of gratatude to all the countries who have sent rescue teams to Christchuch, unfortunatley it's a recovery effort now, but it still has to be done.
They estimate that 1/3 of the CBD will need to be pulled down for safety reasons, not to mention the countless houses, businesses and schools.
That beautiful city is a mess, and people are, understanably, getting out of there because of shattered nerves, but it will rise again.
For those of you so inclinded, please say a prayer for the people of Christchurch - especially those who have lost loved ones, or waiting for word on those still missing - they need all the help they can get.
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:25 pm
by hotcam
Prayers and support for all of NZ especially those closest and with family or friends close.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:09 am
by JasonL
Second that. Terrible business and I just hope the city will recover and rebuild.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:05 am
by mikemechanic
Just a message for all you EXUP guys and girls out there in NZ from us here in the Netherlands (Europe). We've been seeing the terrible pictures of devastation on the news here and boy....we're all choked up after seeing all that. We just wanted to let you all know that our hopes and prayers are with you all and we wanted to wish you all the strength, love, help and support you can get, we're sure you can use all of that to pull through. No doubt in our minds that you eventually will but it's such a shame that some people have lost everything materially but more devastating, having lost loved ones in this terrible natural disaster.
We hope you all pull through and wish you all the best.
Mike Mechanic and his wife Marjon.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:06 pm
by gtlewis
Guys and Gals
I'm down in Christchurch but we have been fortunate that we are in an area that has had minimal impact this time. Was up in Auckland when the quake hit so getting hold of wife and family was a nightmare as the phone systems were all but down. Finally got hold of them and got back here.
If there is anyone with friends and family that are here, that you want checked on, let me know and I'll see what I can do?...
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:40 am
by jjs777
My thoughts and prayers for those affected by this....upon hearing the news I immediatley thought of the brotherhood members that may have been impacted - sorry I'm so late with this post.