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One more time on the gas question....
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:41 pm
by SteadyEddie
O.K., I know it's here and there, but I've gotta get the bottom line on this. Sons running a 96 FZR600, and I've got the YZF750R. I was told that the FZR600 can run normal-ethanol containing gas with no problems. That actually the regular-low octane is good for the FZR600. Mine on the other hand should run ethanol free- high octane. What's the bottom line here guys?
Re: One more time on the gas question....
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:58 pm
by FZRDude
Personally, I run the regular Chevron gas in my 1000.
Re: One more time on the gas question....
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:11 pm
by sickle44
Ethanol shouldn't be used an any engine that isn't specifically made for it to burn in, ie. GM's Flex Fuel vehicles which are OK with a low 85 octane. Poor detonation, pre-detonation (not to mention the gumming up of ports, carbs, and so on and so forth) in an engine that may be asked to spin past 7000rpm daily is a recipe for an eventual disaster imho. Two wheeling ain't for the faint of wallet, no offense intended of course, buy the best fuel you can for your two wheeled vehicles and if you really wanna giggle, throw some AV gas in the tank and DO make sure you're hangin' on. Very good explanation/demonstration as to why you want to put the best in your bike.
Even my little 1.8 Suzuki Esteem's engine which only rev's to what 6500, with anything but premium in it, it sounds friggen awful, pinging away under load with low octane fuels. I would imagine this wouldn't be so prevalent in engines of much larger displacement because of their such higher torgue outputs, but just because they aren't pinging as badly, or at all, as my little 1.8 Esteem motor still doesn't mean they should be run on this fuel either. What we should be doing is protesting fuel company's to get rid of the bloody corn in our fuel altogether. Do some studying up on just how badly the good ol' U S of A has royally screwed it's own people as well as several other country's folk by the over production of corn. Watch Food inc. but be warned, you may get a little bit pissed off on several different fronts. ... ture=mv_sr
Here's another one on Just corn. ... ture=mv_sr
Re: One more time on the gas question....
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:40 am
by SteadyEddie
Here's what I've been running.... the no ethanol stuff. Son's using the regular.... '94 YZF750-stock on the non ethanol. '96 FZR600 with a Yoshi-jetted on the regular sound right?

Re: One more time on the gas question....
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:59 pm
by sickle44
I'd get the 600 on the 91 octane too, just imho.
Re: One more time on the gas question....
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:49 am
by YZFRob
Pretty sure the manual says no more than 5% for the YZF750. Bike doesnt like it no matter what percents in there. Also ya should had seen my fuel pump gasket after doing alot of riding in the Chicago area (10% in everything). Turned to goo.
Re: One more time on the gas question....
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:16 am
by SteadyEddie
Thanks guys, and Rob! Someone said it was safe to use it, but don't store it with any on the tank. I'll avoid the ethanol completely, Son's bike is a '96 FZR600, should probably not use it there either!