Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:24 am
Folks...time has come to ask for some money. This is a personal decision and no one gets treated differently whether they contribute or dont contribute.
Will you help support this forum ?
To get things going over on this new site I have registered dns names and subscribed to this hosting account. The costs incurred to date are $140.
I will be Expending another $200 or so on extending the hosting contract with
I do not intend to make any profits from any of this. I did this because I enjoy this forum and the folks on it. The money already came out of my pocket and now I'm broke.
Total moneys needed to cover my costs will be $340 and that will cover us for two years. If perhaps MORE money was collected I would ante up for extending the contract for this forum even further into the future past 2 years. The more years the less money per month for hosting.
Please make any paypal donations to
@@@@STOP HERE@@@@
If we come up with something that seems like a good idea...we'll try to get funds but hech...a few of you have made sizable contributions and its been really appreciated. ... ahoo%2ecom
Please make donations greater than $5 to help offset paypal fees incurred.
Some folks have asked about advertising in the past. I'm still hashing over the best way to do that. And to make it presentable in this forum. The folks that have asked about advertising are generally the folks that have contributed significantly to this forum by way of techinical know how and advice. Those people will be recognized.
Will you help support this forum ?
To get things going over on this new site I have registered dns names and subscribed to this hosting account. The costs incurred to date are $140.
I will be Expending another $200 or so on extending the hosting contract with
I do not intend to make any profits from any of this. I did this because I enjoy this forum and the folks on it. The money already came out of my pocket and now I'm broke.
Total moneys needed to cover my costs will be $340 and that will cover us for two years. If perhaps MORE money was collected I would ante up for extending the contract for this forum even further into the future past 2 years. The more years the less money per month for hosting.
Please make any paypal donations to
@@@@STOP HERE@@@@
If we come up with something that seems like a good idea...we'll try to get funds but hech...a few of you have made sizable contributions and its been really appreciated. ... ahoo%2ecom
Please make donations greater than $5 to help offset paypal fees incurred.
Some folks have asked about advertising in the past. I'm still hashing over the best way to do that. And to make it presentable in this forum. The folks that have asked about advertising are generally the folks that have contributed significantly to this forum by way of techinical know how and advice. Those people will be recognized.