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remove tires

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:51 am
by canappa
I have to remove both wheel for tires replacement on an fzr 1992, just need to know if I also have to remove the brake calipers to do a clean job or if them can be leave on place without problems. Also how much difficult can be install a dinojet kit on this bike? I should dont have problem installing the jet itself but removing the carbs look like pain....<br><br>thx <p></p><i></i>

Re: remove tires

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:34 am
by cterror
jes you have to remove calipers in order to get the front wheel of. its fairly simple though. <br>there are many oppinions about dynojet vs. factory jettings but an very common oppinion is that you should use factory jet kits. this is due to dynojet kits needing to drill holes to slides and factory does not. my bike has an dynojet kit that the former owner of the bike has put there and if i´d have the choice of jetkit, id take the factory kit for shure.<br>if you choose to go with the dynojet you´d better buy an service manual in order to get everything right. also youd better buy an carburator repair kit (consists of the o-rings and all gaskets and such) and change those parts at the same time. and use good cleaners and compressed air to clean carburators. i dont know how much your bike has run, but you should seriously consider changeing your emulsion tubes at the same time <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top"></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> you can find most any info of the dredded mikuni 38´ts there <---. <br>(well the mik´s are not as dredded as the gixxer oldschool carbs... they can be a pain)<br>hope this helped some <p></p><i></i>

remove tires

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:23 pm
by canappa
hi, thx for your advises Cterror. my bike have 27000 km, the previous owner is a friend of mine so i know he did all the maintence on regular basis, but plastic and rubber of that age may break better change those o ring and tubes....<br>on the wheel: remove the calipers should be an easy job as I already have done this on other bikes, and about the dinojet vs factory, if the factory have less job to install with the same performance results, that make a good choice for sure, i will check if there is someone that sell factory stuff here in italy as seem the most shops sell dinojet kit, but maybe on the internet there is some more option. i will buy a service manual, its a wise thing for who want to do these kind of work on a bike....<br><br>cya<br>andrew <p></p><i></i>

Re: remove tires

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:28 am
by ChuckD
For the price of a DYNOJET, Or Factory kit, I can help, I think. Since all you need is the needles and maybe springs, I can sell a new Factory kit for $67.50 (normal retail- $109.76)and shipping would be around $15.00 at most for such light weight. If this is cheaper than where you are at, then it may be an option. I'm curious how much they charge for them there too. <br>CHUCK D. <p></p><i></i>

Factory Pro Jet Kit

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:17 am
by SimonV
Chuck, <br><br>Can you ship to UK? I've hunted high and low and haven't been able to find a supplier in the UK, was about to go with K&N but this seems better - can a novice install it (with patience).<br><br>Please email me off post<br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src= ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>


Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 9:47 am
by canappa
Hi Chuck, thx for your offer; I went yestarday to find a shop that sell those kit, and find one that have more of the imported stuff than other shops in town, so: them sell Dinojet for 125 and alloy Factory for 131 euros, factory titanium for 160(does titanium worth the higher price?). I got a KN stage 1 air filter and in this case I think need the main jets and springs too, but consider that maybe in a couple years I may get a 1125 kit cause is really tempting....(I will wait till the bike have 40000 km for that big bore kit, just to make all the motor works togheter at the same time). Let me know, and which form of payment you accept? Another question, I want to change fork springs and oil, there is WP and ohlins kit for fork spring, WP also offer progressive spring. Which brand is better considering all springs kit are around 100-130 euros, and which oil grade? Standard grade is 5W for the fzr but I mainly use the bike in summer so maybe a higher grade is better? I want a bit more strong fork, since now when brake the front go down too much fast and bounce a bit, I dont have a good feel from the bike front, even if is steady like a rock at highway speed. Last question: motor oil, the previous owner didnt use sinthetic, since i have to change oil now, will worth to go for a sint oil and which brand and grade do you suggest? <br>I saw valvoline and bell ray make good product, but I am really in troble to make a choice for the motor oil....<br><br>thanks <br>Andrew <p></p><i></i>

Re: Factory

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:46 pm
by ChuckD
Paypal, I need zip est. shipping exact or we can say $15.00 and if different I will refund or request extra, but I can't see it being more.<br>CHUCK D. <p></p><i></i>

factory jet kit

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 8:56 am
by canappa
Hi Chuck, code is 16100 here so you can look at the shippment price, but I doubt is more than 10-15 like you said. I had heavier stuff shipped for those price range.<br><br>But before we go further you must explain better what I exactly need from the kit: I have a K&N stage 1 air filter, I also have a slip on (maybe arrow brand, I got it free from the previous bike owner) which i tried once and seem make the motor a bit lean from what it is with the stock slip on, the air filter was the stock one at that time. So will the needle and spring enough or i should get the other stuff in the kit just to avoid to buy them later if the motor run lean or need different jetting? I really want to make this carb work once cause it seem not the easiest one.....if there is something in the kit that is really useless for my setup well we can leave it out, but I feel better to get all the thing at once and If you can give a complete kit at a good price I think I can save something anyway since the euros are at 1,2 vs US dollars, so let me know.<br>just in case here my email: <p></p><i></i>