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1991 FZR 250 carby problems

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:10 am
by snibbo1
Hi guys<br>Just wondering if anyone out there has some constructive advice for me.<br>I bought my FZR about 7 years ago and went well for the 3 years that it was running. I parked it up at the end of summer and was in the shed for about 4 months (I didnt realise at the time that I had to drain the carbys/tank) Went to start it and wouldnt go. I replaced oil/plugs etc, still no go. Pulled out the carbys and found the idle jets blocked. Now I can get the bike to idle well but wont rev out and has no power under load. When the throttle is openned up while on the stand, it takes about 10 seconds for it to rev out. I have since had the carbys out a dozen times and cannot find any faults and have blown/cleaned out every possible orifice! The valves all move, could the problem be related to an electrical fault? I have ran out of enthusiasm until recently (also had kids!!) so the bike has been parked up in the shed for 2 years. Any similar problems???? Would another set of carbs work if swapped? <p></p><i></i>

Re: 1991 FZR 250 carby problems

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:40 pm
by boz
Welcome to the brotherhood!!<br><br>I'd suggest checking the inline fuel filter - it may be clogged (it is also easy to check and cheap to fix if it is). Have you checked your air filter? Another easy thing to check, and relatively inexpensive to fix if it needs cleaning / replacement. <br><br>And the final check would be the exup valve - is it openning properly (should start openning at 8000 revs, finish openning at 12000).<br><br>And finally you should come visit to say HI! (many people on there are also here though...)<br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... =bozau>boz au</A> at: 9/6/05 2:40 pm<br></i>