Noise from engine at cold. Is this normal?

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Noise from engine at cold. Is this normal?

Post by Akira »

In the morning, after starting the bike and warming it for 2-3 minutes, I can hear some noise coming from the engine when I engage 1st gear and start to roll (no noise at idle). The noise disappears completely in about 5 minutes or less riding time. <br>This happens only when the bike is real cold.<br><br>btw the bike is an '88 FZR 1000 Genesis with 31000km <p></p><i></i>

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Post by adg »

Is it a fast clicking noise? Mine sometimes does this under certain conditions, I think its just the fuel pump. <p></p><i></i>

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Post by Akira »

No clicking, more like dragging. <p></p><i></i>

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Post by LC130LOAD1 »

Can't really say without hearing it.<br>Could be valves need to be adjusted.<br>Could be rod/main bearings are going.<br>Could be piston slap.<br>Could be the cam chain tensioner is going bad.<br><br>Lots of things. <p></p><i></i>

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noise in motor

Post by fzrnut »

Have you checked chain tension ?<br>If your chain is too tight it could make a weird noise as it goes around the small front sprocket and as it heats up and expands the noise would go away especially if the chain is not well lubricated.<br>Also check the front sprocket is not loose and that there is no movement in the output shaft,take the chain off the front sprocket put the bike in neutral and turn the sprocket,the output shaft bearings sometimes make weird noises when they are knackered.<br>I could be miles off but it's probably a matter of going through everything,and remember sound can travel, what sounds like a noise in one place can actually be coming from somewhere else.<br>Good luck<br>fzrnut<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src= ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>

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Re: noise in motor

Post by flyingcircus68 »

It probably had to do with the clutch pushrod. See if it makes the noise in neutral with the clutch pushed in. <p></p><i></i>

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