Just a bit of an update on the Scrambler front.
Most of my time these last couple of months has gone on the Spondon and the FZR, the former because it needed loose ends tidying up to finally get it on the road and having some fun, and the EXUP because I couldn't figure out why it was running so shite. (turned out to be the EXUP servo after I'd rebuilt the carbs 6 times... mind, i'm not scared of carbs anymore, gotta look on the bright side!)
Back to the Duck anyway.
After cleaning up the electrics with lots of new wires, new connectors, and heat shrink plastic tube (whatdaya call that stuff in English?) things looked better than they did when I started:
So when the wiring was 'clean' and there was life at the coil but still no spark it was time to borrow a plug from the EXUP and Voila! life, Jim, but only on the top of the cam cover. A new plug was bought, screwed in and some friends called to help!
And when it finally backfired into life for the first time in more than 20 years it was time for the comedy photo:
Note the vehicle road-worthiness approved petrol tank and dangling electrics. I think I got up to about 20km/h before shitting my pants! The brake and the gears are on the opposite sides to 'normal' and the box is one up four down!!!
It only ran with the choke out, so when I stop typing I'm off to strip and clean the Amal carb, (you see... no fear!) and make some new gaskets out of a Cornflake packet; and the last thing to do will be the ignition advance... which we set by guessing! I need to invent some kind of degreeing wheel (which I've been told you can do with a CD and some imagination).
Then it's off to the paint shop. Thinking of blue tins and blue tank with big crome 'patches' on the sides.