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- Location: South Bend, IN
Welcome to the USSA
Am I the only one the feels we're going to be renaming America to the United Socialist States of America? My head would explode if I had to listen to another debate. Why the hell can't we get either of these clowns to talk straight, lay out the facts and tell us the way it's going to be. Hey, I know we're screwed. Everybody else knows we're screwed. So get it over with and tell us we are screwed! At this point all I want to known is how f**ked we are and for how long.
I know we try to keep politics off of this board but I have to vent. I'm not a diehard right wing loon that supports McCain, and frankly there are a lot of things I don't like about him, but I am flat out scared shitless of Obama and becoming a nation of welfare addicts....err...."entitlement" addicts.
I know we try to keep politics off of this board but I have to vent. I'm not a diehard right wing loon that supports McCain, and frankly there are a lot of things I don't like about him, but I am flat out scared shitless of Obama and becoming a nation of welfare addicts....err...."entitlement" addicts.
america is already a nation of "entitlement" addicts.
we have to thank the people that can't afford two new $35000 cars, a new $600,000 home, student loans, a kid and a dog have all been living on money that isn't theirs. and don't forget the CEOs making 10 million in bonuses for three months of work continuing to put the loans in those people's bank accounts.
we have to thank the people that can't afford two new $35000 cars, a new $600,000 home, student loans, a kid and a dog have all been living on money that isn't theirs. and don't forget the CEOs making 10 million in bonuses for three months of work continuing to put the loans in those people's bank accounts.
Jason, aka: Hooligan
1994 YZF750-R
1996 YZF750-R
2003 Bonneville T100
1994 YZF750-R
1996 YZF750-R
2003 Bonneville T100
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now they are talking about taxing our employer provided healthcare benefits only hurting those of us that actually work for a living
now they are talking about taxing our employer provided healthcare benefits only hurting those of us that actually work for a living
88 FZR 1000 - SuperTrap, K&N, FP kit - sold
90 FZR 1000 - 1040, Ohlins, 91 USD's...some other stuff - sold
93 FZR 600 - rat/cafe/POS/Trackbike Project
03 SV1000S - bye bye
06 R6 50th Anniversary - slip on, PCIII, race rails
90 FZR 1000 - 1040, Ohlins, 91 USD's...some other stuff - sold
93 FZR 600 - rat/cafe/POS/Trackbike Project
03 SV1000S - bye bye
06 R6 50th Anniversary - slip on, PCIII, race rails
- Help!!! I need a LIFE!!!
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- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Hey you could always come live up here in Canada? 'bout 50% tax, you'd never believe what food costs up here, really you wouldn't beleive it. Yes we have health care but you folks as I understand it probably pay anywhere from 400 - 800 for less coverage than we get just cause. But then, all the bullshit taxes we end up paying end up kind of leveling that out, but no doubt, HMO is complete crap, I feel for you there. I'm certainly embarrassed to be Canadian when it comes to certain policies that do get accepted or shall I say government railroad pushed and shuved, ohhh I don't know like, same sex marriage persay, and others that make people shake their heads.
Hang in there neighbours, I'm sure you'll pull through!!
Hang in there neighbours, I'm sure you'll pull through!!
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
- Help!!! I need a LIFE!!!
- Posts: 968
- Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:06 pm
- Location: South Bend, IN
Our healthcare system is a joke as well. When a hospital charges you $20 for two ibuprofen something ain't right. I dodged a bullet this week. Had an MRI done on my knee back in August. This past Friday I got a bill for almost $1200 and nearly had a heart attack. Turns out it was just a glitch in the way they filed it. The MRI center is covered under our insurance, but that particular hospital that it is located at is not (they lease the space from the hospital). So because they share the same address they considered it out of network and only paid part of it. I think I got it all straightened out, thankfully, and won't have to pay any of the bill the sent me. It's simply stupid how careful you have to be. Lesson learned, though....I will always make sure that the place I go to is fully covered by my insurance.
Thing that really blows is I just got into our 401k plan within the past year and now the economy has tanked. My girlfriend lost about $1200 in her 401k in a month's time. Bill O'Reilly is right - why aren't these two coming out and saying that they're going to go after the bastards that did this to us? Wall Street turned into a gigantic casino that these people used to pursue their own greed. I want to be rich as much as the next guy, but it doesn't give them the right to play with people's life savings. Those sons of bitches at AIG should be drug out into the street and shot. We bail their asses out and then they spend a ton of money on a retreat for their top execs!?!?
I can't vote for Obama. I just cannot do it. His views are too socialist and I think it's going to take this country down a very dark path. Now, I have no problem with people voting for Obama if they are truly informed about where he stands and they agree with his viewpoints. I don't agree with them, but that's the beauty of this country is that you're free to vote for whom you want to. What scares me is all the sheep that don't have a clue about his policies and are going along with the masses because he's going to bring "change."
I agree with Hooli 100%. I'm so sick and tired of seeing this punk ass kids driving around in their Escalades with 22" rims. Nobody wants to live within their means anymore, nobody wants to accept responsibility and it's always somebody else's fault. Thanks to the fine lawyers in our country that's where we've gotten to. Remember when you could get into a fight in school and a week later it was like it never happened? Now you have to worry about going to jail. The youth of this country need their asses whipped on a daily basis to snap out of their self-absorbed life style.
Most of the programs these yahoos are talking about aren't going to happen anyway. Where the hell are they going to get the money from? Of course the scariest part of that is if they do push their plans through and borrow money from a country like China to pay for it.
Sorry for the long rant. I'm sure my girlfriend is happy I'm bitching to somebody else for once....lol
Thing that really blows is I just got into our 401k plan within the past year and now the economy has tanked. My girlfriend lost about $1200 in her 401k in a month's time. Bill O'Reilly is right - why aren't these two coming out and saying that they're going to go after the bastards that did this to us? Wall Street turned into a gigantic casino that these people used to pursue their own greed. I want to be rich as much as the next guy, but it doesn't give them the right to play with people's life savings. Those sons of bitches at AIG should be drug out into the street and shot. We bail their asses out and then they spend a ton of money on a retreat for their top execs!?!?
I can't vote for Obama. I just cannot do it. His views are too socialist and I think it's going to take this country down a very dark path. Now, I have no problem with people voting for Obama if they are truly informed about where he stands and they agree with his viewpoints. I don't agree with them, but that's the beauty of this country is that you're free to vote for whom you want to. What scares me is all the sheep that don't have a clue about his policies and are going along with the masses because he's going to bring "change."
I agree with Hooli 100%. I'm so sick and tired of seeing this punk ass kids driving around in their Escalades with 22" rims. Nobody wants to live within their means anymore, nobody wants to accept responsibility and it's always somebody else's fault. Thanks to the fine lawyers in our country that's where we've gotten to. Remember when you could get into a fight in school and a week later it was like it never happened? Now you have to worry about going to jail. The youth of this country need their asses whipped on a daily basis to snap out of their self-absorbed life style.
Most of the programs these yahoos are talking about aren't going to happen anyway. Where the hell are they going to get the money from? Of course the scariest part of that is if they do push their plans through and borrow money from a country like China to pay for it.
Sorry for the long rant. I'm sure my girlfriend is happy I'm bitching to somebody else for once....lol
- Help!!! I need a LIFE!!!
- Posts: 968
- Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:06 pm
- Location: South Bend, IN
LMFAO!!! Thanks, Tim....I needed that laugh.
Why should you vote for McCain? Because he rocks at drums! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMPNWT6NxMY
Why should you vote for McCain? Because he rocks at drums! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMPNWT6NxMY
It ain't your imagination Nate....................get ready for the Carter administration, reloaded.
Don't want high medical insurance?
Um.....Sorry to shout - it's just something I feel strongly about.
Insurance is gambling, they can be beat at their own game - and it is a game.
Don't feed the monster and it will find another sandbox to play in.
Here's an excerpt - $800 ambulance ride
That one made me sick. Those f*ckers should be spanked.
Just my
Don't want high medical insurance?
Um.....Sorry to shout - it's just something I feel strongly about.
Insurance is gambling, they can be beat at their own game - and it is a game.
Don't feed the monster and it will find another sandbox to play in.
Here's an excerpt - $800 ambulance ride
That one made me sick. Those f*ckers should be spanked.
Just my

Fairings just get in the way of carb tuning
- Help!!! I need a LIFE!!!
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ExupElvis wrote:It ain't your imagination Nate....................get ready for the Carter administration, reloaded.
Don't want high medical insurance?
Um.....Sorry to shout - it's just something I feel strongly about.
Insurance is gambling, they can be beat at their own game - and it is a game.
Don't feed the monster and it will find another sandbox to play in.
Here's an excerpt - $800 ambulance ride
That one made me sick. Those f*ckers should be spanked.
Just my
its to hard to not have health insurnace as a motorcycle rider!
88 FZR 1000 - SuperTrap, K&N, FP kit - sold
90 FZR 1000 - 1040, Ohlins, 91 USD's...some other stuff - sold
93 FZR 600 - rat/cafe/POS/Trackbike Project
03 SV1000S - bye bye
06 R6 50th Anniversary - slip on, PCIII, race rails
90 FZR 1000 - 1040, Ohlins, 91 USD's...some other stuff - sold
93 FZR 600 - rat/cafe/POS/Trackbike Project
03 SV1000S - bye bye
06 R6 50th Anniversary - slip on, PCIII, race rails
let me tell you..................
Let me tell you i was born and raise in Paris France where i leave till i was 29 and move here in Texas...
It looks like osama'a want you to be leaving in a social system let me tell you the way it was for so call "free health care" !!!!!
10 yrs ago i was making 12000 a month after taxes left with 5600....
end of the year had to pay income taxe(YOU NEVER WILL HAVE A TAXE RETURN IN A SOCIAL SYSTEM),my employer i had to pay 18000 a month in taxes just for me that's not the taxes on the business........
Price of commodities is gonna go way up.....just look into the #of unenployed people in France and you'll know what happen when you strangle the small business and take on the "rich" they just go next door where taxes are close to none ,and i don't blame them !!!!!!!!!!!!!
But i guess it still far for USA to be as social as France (THANKS GOD)
For those of you thinking health care is expensive ,YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep in mind to that "free health care doesn't include vision dental at least if it didn't change since i left Paris.........
The thing scared me it's i heard sometthing about "committes" from the federal governement under someone presidency to come tell u what to do...
I believe they used to be called popular committes in China and Russia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not be fooled there is no such thing as "free healthcare" also social or let's not call it like that (but it come to the same thing anyway) is pretty much giving all control of the country to the government and they tell you what you can do when/where to do it !!!!!!!!!!!
Also i believe you can tell someone character by is affilliation if one goes to a church(i won't even call it that) where the preacher talk about destroying, AMERICA your wife never was proud to be an AMERICAN, you haven't served your country,chances are YOU DO NOT LIKE YOUR COUNTRY and i won't even talk about the muslim thing................
It looks like osama'a want you to be leaving in a social system let me tell you the way it was for so call "free health care" !!!!!
10 yrs ago i was making 12000 a month after taxes left with 5600....
end of the year had to pay income taxe(YOU NEVER WILL HAVE A TAXE RETURN IN A SOCIAL SYSTEM),my employer i had to pay 18000 a month in taxes just for me that's not the taxes on the business........
Price of commodities is gonna go way up.....just look into the #of unenployed people in France and you'll know what happen when you strangle the small business and take on the "rich" they just go next door where taxes are close to none ,and i don't blame them !!!!!!!!!!!!!
But i guess it still far for USA to be as social as France (THANKS GOD)
For those of you thinking health care is expensive ,YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep in mind to that "free health care doesn't include vision dental at least if it didn't change since i left Paris.........
The thing scared me it's i heard sometthing about "committes" from the federal governement under someone presidency to come tell u what to do...

Do not be fooled there is no such thing as "free healthcare" also social or let's not call it like that (but it come to the same thing anyway) is pretty much giving all control of the country to the government and they tell you what you can do when/where to do it !!!!!!!!!!!
Also i believe you can tell someone character by is affilliation if one goes to a church(i won't even call it that) where the preacher talk about destroying, AMERICA your wife never was proud to be an AMERICAN, you haven't served your country,chances are YOU DO NOT LIKE YOUR COUNTRY and i won't even talk about the muslim thing................
CAFE RACER ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the last 8 years of slipping toward modern fascism under George Bush, I really have more fear of someone like McCain continuing those patterns. Things like the patriot act, spying on American citizens, non stop white house propaganda. It makes me sick.
The latest bullcrap about ACORN and voting is making me really pissed off. Because this all relates to the fired dept of Justice lawyers. The ones who lost their jobs, lost them because they would not trump up voter fraud charges before the last election 2 years ago. The ones who would, kept their job and are using the DOJ to trump up false charges.
Why would they do this..........to distract from the voter caging and purging the GOP has been doing. That is against the law. I got one of the those GOP attempts sent to my house.
McCain is no the man I respected years ago. Today his is Bush 3.
Before you go dismissing me as a liberal only. I got 8 years in the military and I gave money to Ron Paul.
The latest bullcrap about ACORN and voting is making me really pissed off. Because this all relates to the fired dept of Justice lawyers. The ones who lost their jobs, lost them because they would not trump up voter fraud charges before the last election 2 years ago. The ones who would, kept their job and are using the DOJ to trump up false charges.
Why would they do this..........to distract from the voter caging and purging the GOP has been doing. That is against the law. I got one of the those GOP attempts sent to my house.
McCain is no the man I respected years ago. Today his is Bush 3.
Before you go dismissing me as a liberal only. I got 8 years in the military and I gave money to Ron Paul.
The Democrats have been committing voter fraud by registering people to vote multiple times for years. ACORN is nothing new, it's just a new way of doing the same old thing. Heck, dead people have been voting in Chicago elections for years.
I'm with Orion. Personally, I can't stand this slide into Socialism that I've been seeing for the last 15 or so years. Many people who vote Democrat don't even have a clue that they are voting for Socialism. Some actually think they are voting against big government.
Our political system/situation is just plain sad.
I'm with Orion. Personally, I can't stand this slide into Socialism that I've been seeing for the last 15 or so years. Many people who vote Democrat don't even have a clue that they are voting for Socialism. Some actually think they are voting against big government.
Our political system/situation is just plain sad.
I hate to agree on something of this weight, but that is absolutely right.Pacman wrote:Our political system/situation is just plain sad.
And it's our own damn fault - for not watching every move our trusted representatives made, for not working double time to check and recheck every congressional measure and contact our representative/senator immediately to point fraudulent legislation as it came up.
Goddamn DOGS!
We're plain f*cked at this point. I'm thinking Venezuelan citizenship lately.
This mess scares me if I think about it long at all, and getting nothing but screwed by staying here till I'm old is looking worse every day.
We all gotta fight these f*ckers now - or leave individually.
The way it is now this crap aint worth fighting and dying for.
Here, another little example of the daily screwing we get - I would post a link but I see the article has been removed - Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac paid a lobbying firm in DC to kill a congressional bill that would have limited their lending to more reasonable levels back in '05 when there was a ghost of a chance that this world meltdown could have been avoided.
The bill died from lack of support and the lobbying effort was paid for by two million of your (and mine) tax payer dollars. Why was that?
Kinda sounds like the fallout over going to war in Iraq doesn't it? Military worker bees inside DC said they knew it was coming at any cost - and we had nothing to say about any of it.
I'd feel better if I just heard "shut up and drink the cool aid" on the evening news.
It's the new truth. Sorry. These clowns want to make a new class of slaves out of all of us. Just follow the money.
Fairings just get in the way of carb tuning
Modern fascism ??????????? what the hell you talking about??nynoah wrote:After the last 8 years of slipping toward modern fascism under George Bush, I really have more fear of someone like McCain continuing those patterns. Things like the patriot act, spying on American citizens, non stop white house propaganda. It makes me sick.
The latest bullcrap about ACORN and voting is making me really pissed off. Because this all relates to the fired dept of Justice lawyers. The ones who lost their jobs, lost them because they would not trump up voter fraud charges before the last election 2 years ago. The ones who would, kept their job and are using the DOJ to trump up false charges.
Why would they do this..........to distract from the voter caging and purging the GOP has been doing. That is against the law. I got one of the those GOP attempts sent to my house.
McCain is no the man I respected years ago. Today his is Bush 3.
Before you go dismissing me as a liberal only. I got 8 years in the military and I gave money to Ron Paul.
What is it with that c....p fascism;george wallace??????????
I'm glad some military or ex have faith in obama long military experience and middle east expertise! I've ben dissapointed in bush too,and yes those people have ben filling up there pockets but they all do,obama isn't different.
About acorn i don't know for sure but i believe if i recall correctly that they help push laws to facilitate bad mortgages loan.I don't know i kinda heard something like that and then it went away............someone might be able to correct or educate me on that subject.
CAFE RACER ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fascism link to an article explaining it. Plus links inside the article to back up the opinion with facts.
You want to read about the false allegations about ACORN go here. This whole scandal is an extension of the fired dept of Justice lawyers scandal. Those lawyers were fired for NOT trumping up false voter fraud allegations. The ones who did keep their job are trumping up charges today.
http://www.acorn.org/index.php?id=12439 ... ef14f35f55
What the ACORN scandal is designed to do is shift the media coverage away from faulty voter tabulation machines, voter caging and purging of the voter rolls.
WV (a battle state) has machines that are flipping the vote now.
Voter suppression.
http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/ ... ppression/
The real reason for the economic melt down is not because of bad mortgages. Bad mortgages is the symptom of a greater disease. You don't blame pneumonia for killing and aids patient. What caused all this to happen was trickle down economics, "free" trade and the destroying of unions in America. All of this was started by Reagan. What has been happening since that time is what I call the musical chairs of dept. Well we reached the last chair and it all came to an end. No country can survive for long if so much wealth is concentrated in the top 1%. There comes a time when no one at the bottom can afford to live and the whole economy implodes. We put that day of reckoning off by making debt easy to get. We have been fueling our economy off debt for years, decades. Deficits DO MATTER................Reagan's philosophy of tax cuts for the rich and MONSTER deficits, his gutting of labor laws. The pushing of NAFTA and "free" trade with China caused all of this. The home owners were just trying to survive in a world were wages are stagnant and the inflation is going insane.
You want to read about the false allegations about ACORN go here. This whole scandal is an extension of the fired dept of Justice lawyers scandal. Those lawyers were fired for NOT trumping up false voter fraud allegations. The ones who did keep their job are trumping up charges today.
http://www.acorn.org/index.php?id=12439 ... ef14f35f55
What the ACORN scandal is designed to do is shift the media coverage away from faulty voter tabulation machines, voter caging and purging of the voter rolls.
WV (a battle state) has machines that are flipping the vote now.
Voter suppression.
http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/ ... ppression/
The real reason for the economic melt down is not because of bad mortgages. Bad mortgages is the symptom of a greater disease. You don't blame pneumonia for killing and aids patient. What caused all this to happen was trickle down economics, "free" trade and the destroying of unions in America. All of this was started by Reagan. What has been happening since that time is what I call the musical chairs of dept. Well we reached the last chair and it all came to an end. No country can survive for long if so much wealth is concentrated in the top 1%. There comes a time when no one at the bottom can afford to live and the whole economy implodes. We put that day of reckoning off by making debt easy to get. We have been fueling our economy off debt for years, decades. Deficits DO MATTER................Reagan's philosophy of tax cuts for the rich and MONSTER deficits, his gutting of labor laws. The pushing of NAFTA and "free" trade with China caused all of this. The home owners were just trying to survive in a world were wages are stagnant and the inflation is going insane.
The troops who are in the military or have been in recently (like me) get it. Deployed troops are giving to Obama over McCain 6 to 1. Older troops like to see things from their prism of the world. When the Dems were not good for military people. Those times have LONG since past. Bush has worn our military out. He is asking too much from too few people.
Link to article hear.
http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2008/08 ... ve-61.html
Link to article hear.
http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2008/08 ... ve-61.html
- Help!!! I need a LIFE!!!
- Posts: 968
- Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:06 pm
- Location: South Bend, IN
I consider myself independent. I don't agree with McCain on a lot of things. I can't say with a 100% certainty that I will vote for him. There's always Nader
As much as I want to take a baseball bat to all the idiots in D.C. (GOP and Dems) I think I want to take it to the common people of this country more. As much as it sucks for the economy to tank like it did it was great to see people finally getting off their asses and calling their congressmen to tell them don't vote for this damn bill! Yes the bill still went through even though the majority of Americans opposed it, but at least a few people in office got the message and didn't support the bill.
Anybody else see Joe J-O-B-S Biden's latest gaffe? This is scary shit - http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar ... uppor.html
Not scary that he said it. I've felt from the beginning that once Obama is in somebody is going to do something nuts to see how he'll react. But the way Biden speaks is just plain f**king scary. All this talk is like Obama is already in office. I have to do some digging, but I heard a snippit today that both camps are being briefed by the FBI on a regular basis because everybody feels there is no headroom for lagging behind during the administration change. Makes you wonder if they know something is coming.
Again, this is why I hate our primary system. No offense to our Iowa bretheren, but why in God's name should your state have such a huge impact in deciding who stays in and who drops out? There were so many people that deserved to have a shot but got tossed to the side quickly because of the way it's currently done. If the GOP ticket hadn't been decided by the time IN got to vote I would've voted for Huckabee. At the time I liked McCain as well, but that was before he started to bow down to the right wingers to appease them. If he would have stayed the guy he used to be he'd be doing a lot better in the polls. Sure the conservatives wouldn't be as happy with him as they are now, but he would've dug deeper into Obama's base.
Noah - I know it's become to cliche to say "thanks for your service" but there are those of us that truly appreciate the things you guys do/have done for this country, and I take to heart your guys' viewpoints more so than the guy living on my block. I have never been a Bush fan. I think the "patriot act" is about as unpatriotic as you can get. There is no way in hell anything like that would have ever been passed prior to 9/11. That's why I fear another attack and what other bullcrap they are going to do to further flush the constitution down the drain.
Like I said, if you agree with Obama's policies and want to vote for him by all means do so. That's your right and freedom to do so. Biden's comments have come to scare the shit out of me and I'm surprised that Obama's camp hasn't pulled him off of the beat. What kills me is that if Palin had made the remarks he did the media would be in a frenzy over it. I'm still trying to figure out how 95% of Americans are going to get a tax break under Obama's plan when 40% don't pay takes to begin with. The system has run amok and the uber-rich on Wall Street really stuck it to the common person. Do they deserve to pay for what they did? Damn right. But to basically be punished by having to pay more taxes to give as welfare to lazy asses in this country is a crock of shit. We have now gotten to the point where you are rewarded more for doing nothing and being punished for being successful.
I took a history class about Russia in the 20th century last summer. Our professor grew up in the Soviet empire. He painted an easy to understand picture of why communism failed. At the time in Russia you were guaranteed a job and was near impossible to get fired. Those that worked harder simply had more expected of them. Those people finally realized that working harder would get them nowhere and that the guy working next to him that did everything half assed and literally slept on the job (because he couldn't get fired) gave up and became that half assed guy. If that guy was going to get paid the same amount that you did what was the point of trying to outwork him?
People have to realize that if you start taxing the rich more and more they aren't going to stay here. That's not a way to keep jobs in this country. So what happens then? Do you raise taxes even more on the upper 5%? What then when they leave? That's when it's going to get patriotic for those making $200,000 to pay more. And then they leave and it's time for those making $150,000 and so forth until EVERYBODY is supposed to pay more taxes. I personally would be glad to pay more in taxes if I knew the money was being spent wisely. All these people in Indiana have been bitching for years to get property taxes lowered and the state govt finally lowered them. Guess what? Now all those people are bitching about the roads going to hell and school programs getting cut back. What did they expect?
If you've made up your mind in this election there's nothing wrong with that. Vote for whom you want, but by God do some research and don't rely on mainstream media to get you all the "facts." Start looking at the media from the outside and you'll see just have far to the left they have gone and how unbalanced it has become. Sean Hannity is so far to the right that he has to lean against a wall at all times to keep from falling over, but he is right on one thing - 2008 is the year journalism died in this country.

As much as I want to take a baseball bat to all the idiots in D.C. (GOP and Dems) I think I want to take it to the common people of this country more. As much as it sucks for the economy to tank like it did it was great to see people finally getting off their asses and calling their congressmen to tell them don't vote for this damn bill! Yes the bill still went through even though the majority of Americans opposed it, but at least a few people in office got the message and didn't support the bill.
Anybody else see Joe J-O-B-S Biden's latest gaffe? This is scary shit - http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar ... uppor.html
Not scary that he said it. I've felt from the beginning that once Obama is in somebody is going to do something nuts to see how he'll react. But the way Biden speaks is just plain f**king scary. All this talk is like Obama is already in office. I have to do some digging, but I heard a snippit today that both camps are being briefed by the FBI on a regular basis because everybody feels there is no headroom for lagging behind during the administration change. Makes you wonder if they know something is coming.
Again, this is why I hate our primary system. No offense to our Iowa bretheren, but why in God's name should your state have such a huge impact in deciding who stays in and who drops out? There were so many people that deserved to have a shot but got tossed to the side quickly because of the way it's currently done. If the GOP ticket hadn't been decided by the time IN got to vote I would've voted for Huckabee. At the time I liked McCain as well, but that was before he started to bow down to the right wingers to appease them. If he would have stayed the guy he used to be he'd be doing a lot better in the polls. Sure the conservatives wouldn't be as happy with him as they are now, but he would've dug deeper into Obama's base.
Noah - I know it's become to cliche to say "thanks for your service" but there are those of us that truly appreciate the things you guys do/have done for this country, and I take to heart your guys' viewpoints more so than the guy living on my block. I have never been a Bush fan. I think the "patriot act" is about as unpatriotic as you can get. There is no way in hell anything like that would have ever been passed prior to 9/11. That's why I fear another attack and what other bullcrap they are going to do to further flush the constitution down the drain.
Like I said, if you agree with Obama's policies and want to vote for him by all means do so. That's your right and freedom to do so. Biden's comments have come to scare the shit out of me and I'm surprised that Obama's camp hasn't pulled him off of the beat. What kills me is that if Palin had made the remarks he did the media would be in a frenzy over it. I'm still trying to figure out how 95% of Americans are going to get a tax break under Obama's plan when 40% don't pay takes to begin with. The system has run amok and the uber-rich on Wall Street really stuck it to the common person. Do they deserve to pay for what they did? Damn right. But to basically be punished by having to pay more taxes to give as welfare to lazy asses in this country is a crock of shit. We have now gotten to the point where you are rewarded more for doing nothing and being punished for being successful.
I took a history class about Russia in the 20th century last summer. Our professor grew up in the Soviet empire. He painted an easy to understand picture of why communism failed. At the time in Russia you were guaranteed a job and was near impossible to get fired. Those that worked harder simply had more expected of them. Those people finally realized that working harder would get them nowhere and that the guy working next to him that did everything half assed and literally slept on the job (because he couldn't get fired) gave up and became that half assed guy. If that guy was going to get paid the same amount that you did what was the point of trying to outwork him?
People have to realize that if you start taxing the rich more and more they aren't going to stay here. That's not a way to keep jobs in this country. So what happens then? Do you raise taxes even more on the upper 5%? What then when they leave? That's when it's going to get patriotic for those making $200,000 to pay more. And then they leave and it's time for those making $150,000 and so forth until EVERYBODY is supposed to pay more taxes. I personally would be glad to pay more in taxes if I knew the money was being spent wisely. All these people in Indiana have been bitching for years to get property taxes lowered and the state govt finally lowered them. Guess what? Now all those people are bitching about the roads going to hell and school programs getting cut back. What did they expect?
If you've made up your mind in this election there's nothing wrong with that. Vote for whom you want, but by God do some research and don't rely on mainstream media to get you all the "facts." Start looking at the media from the outside and you'll see just have far to the left they have gone and how unbalanced it has become. Sean Hannity is so far to the right that he has to lean against a wall at all times to keep from falling over, but he is right on one thing - 2008 is the year journalism died in this country.
Last edited by orionburn on Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.