Since dealing with the cold is a part of life here...I've been getting into the alternative heat to save money on fuel bills and to enjoy a nice fire at the same time.
In 2006 I expanded my house and if I were to heat with natural gas/forced hydronic baseboards - it would cost me about $300 per month and that would be assuming keeping the stats set to about 68F.
So to offset those costs I threw a wood stove on my first floor sun room and have been running a coal stove in my basement.
The natural gas fired furnace is still 'ready' to go if the temps demand it.
I chop my own wood - mostly from scrounging during wind storms. I've got almost 5 or 6 cords of split and stacked wood - some of it green but mostly its all been seasoned for > 6 months.
The coal thing...unfortunately (I think) I dont live in coal country - Pennsylvania - so i have to buy my coal from the local nursery at $325 per short ton. My discovery of coal was quite a revelation compared to burning wood. It's amazing heat and can last >10 hours on a single load and unattended - very linear heat.
I'm sometimes over on the wood burners site and the coal forum.
My parents are near 80 years young...and on a limited fixed income - they have oil heat so Jan 1st I installed a wood stove insert and stainless steel flex liner in their chimney. Been hauling splits over to them to burn. At over $600 for a single tank of oil...the wood heat is really helping them get by.
Part of my interest in wood and coal heat I think comes from resenting some Arab Prince with billions of American dollars. That and my nephew has done two tours in Iraq and is going back for another soon. So anything I can do to lesson our dependence on foreign oil is worth it. Actually I think the large percentage of nat. gas is produced here in the states or Canada - but you get my drift.
I guess I also enjoy splitting and stacking the wood. When I swing the maul I people tend to leave me alone or speak very softly. So it's like a retreat