Using this as a template:

To replace this:

Hmm, can't save as SVG with my old version of Freehand - here's the EPS EPS Version linkThomVis wrote:Freehand, no. SVG is preferred, EPS will work too.
spook wrote:Nice work. I've only got one example of the delta box sticker here, it's dimensions are 184mm x 18.5mm. I'm sure they probably vary dimensionally model to model.
http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x34 ... EPS Source
Should be pretty close given that I used my own bike as the templateThomVis wrote:@Monsterbishi, don't take this the hard way, I do appreciate the work you are putting into it, but I don't think your logos are representations of the real thing.
If you say they are the same I have to believe you, but I wouldn't call it from these photos.spook wrote:It's an original Thom, if you look at the photo a couple of posts up of the sticker on the side of the OW01, it's the same.
Playing with contrast and sorts makes linetracing easier, but if your source is low resolution, it's still low resolution.spook wrote:You could try upping the contrast and levels in Photoshop or the like. The reason it looks the way it does as it has an translucent film over the top of the stickers.
I suspect that's as a result of my bike being from the Japanese domestic market, my Mustang is even funnier in that respectThomVis wrote:@Monsterbishi: First time I see Exup in that lettering.
It's quite an addictive process, was up in the middle of the night with a random bout of indigestion, so took it as a good opportunity to play with the images some more!ThomVis wrote:(and I admit, I enjoy doing it).