Rolled back into an old hobby.
Rolled back into an old hobby.
More $$$$ to spend. Getting back into sharp shooting and building my own firearms. I the last 7 months, I've picked up a IWI Baby Eagle II .45 pistol, a S&W M&P 9 full size 9mm, built an AR rifle in .300blk and today finished building the lower of an AR15 pistol. Did some gunsmithing on the M&P and replaced the old style rear sear block with a new style and put an APEX trigger in it (same trigger safety as a Glock. I don't like the hinged one S&W uses. Safety reasons since this is a no safety pistol).
Looking at refinishing my dads Winchester 1894 .30-30 lever. Cerakote the gun blue steel, refinish the furniture and maybe embed a USMC medallion into the stock.
Looking at refinishing my dads Winchester 1894 .30-30 lever. Cerakote the gun blue steel, refinish the furniture and maybe embed a USMC medallion into the stock.
- Dolphin-headed purple plasma TLR thing?
- Posts: 3839
- Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:12 pm
- Location: Melbourne. Australia
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
Cool! Love guns, but don't know too much about them... Other than they make holes in things
Any pics of what you are doing?

Any pics of what you are doing?
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
Top one is one I built in march. 16" .300 Blackout. For deer hunting. Bottom one is a range toy .223 10.5" pistol which was finished today. May put the same red dot on it as the other one.

- Dolphin-headed purple plasma TLR thing?
- Posts: 3839
- Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:12 pm
- Location: Melbourne. Australia
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
Whoa. As you know we have never been allowed toys like you can own in the US. And after the buy back virtually nothing, still I guess we don't have mass murders every other week. Problem is the responsible people end up without their toys, and the criminals keep playing with theirs.
So you have converted a magnum hand gun into a rifle?
So you have converted a magnum hand gun into a rifle?
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
Nope no magnum pistols into rifles. Law here is a pistol can be converted into a rifle and back into a pistol if it was built as a pistol 1st. Cant make a pistol out of a rifle that was a rifle originally. Bottom one is actually a pistol. The tube in the back is the buffer spring tube, not a stock. AR's have a sliding bolt that goes partially into it when fired. Theres a buffer inside it with a spring that slows the bolt down and cycles it back into firing position.
I do have a magnum rifle though. .300 Winchester Magnum. Longest shot I made with I was 1300 metres. My .50BMG rifle have shot targets out just under 1500 metres. Most my rifle target shooting is between 90-275 metres. Pistols mainly 3-5 metres.
I do have a magnum rifle though. .300 Winchester Magnum. Longest shot I made with I was 1300 metres. My .50BMG rifle have shot targets out just under 1500 metres. Most my rifle target shooting is between 90-275 metres. Pistols mainly 3-5 metres.
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Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
I was just at a Father/Son camp few weeks ago and all the little guys get to shoot 22's on the range, bows, and a 12gauge(low recoil rounds). Read a bit of on article about AR15's, would you mind 'xplainin' about them a bit as I'm really intrigued, do they just shoot pellets or something like an air soft gun, or, I guess there's a few different mechs as well. What's the deal???
I was just at a Father/Son camp few weeks ago and all the little guys get to shoot 22's on the range, bows, and a 12gauge(low recoil rounds). Read a bit of on article about AR15's, would you mind 'xplainin' about them a bit as I'm really intrigued, do they just shoot pellets or something like an air soft gun, or, I guess there's a few different mechs as well. What's the deal???
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
sickle44 wrote:COOL Rob!
I was just at a Father/Son camp few weeks ago and all the little guys get to shoot 22's on the range, bows, and a 12gauge(low recoil rounds). Read a bit of on article about AR15's, would you mind 'xplainin' about them a bit as I'm really intrigued, do they just shoot pellets or something like an air soft gun, or, I guess there's a few different mechs as well. What's the deal???
Standard AR15's shoot a .223 Remington. Designed back in 1958ish. Fully customizable to how you want it (as long as its follows ATF regs. Rifles mush have a 16" barrel unless you have a tax stamp for a sbr). Recoil isn't bad. More than a .22 but nothing a 10-11yr old cant handle. reliable as hell, easy to clean, very very accurate out of the box, light and simple to operate. Post Ban AR's (made from 1994-2004) usually don't have threaded barrels with flash hiders although some states still have their own bans. AR lowers can use different upper receivers and have a variety of caliber conversions on the same weapon (the lower receiver is the firearm). My rifle in the picture is a .300blackout. That's a .30cal round in a modified .223 case. Commonly converted calibers for AR15's are .22LR, 7.62X39 (the AK47 round), 6.5 Grendal, 6.8 SPC, .458 Socom, .450 Bushmaster, .50beowulf, .300blk, 9mm, 17HMR and a few .40S&W and .45acp.
Now AR-10's are a .308 cal. Other than the parts inside the lower, the stock and some handguards, nothing else interchanges with AR15's.
Spook, we don't have mass murders here every other week. It will go quiet for a while, then some fruitloop goes nuts (along with the media) and then we may have a couple copy cats. 90% of the school shooting suspect(s) have been on or recently been taken off some kind of ADD/ADHD drug. Our media/government seems to like to blame the firearm and not the idiot who did the shooting especially if it was an AR/AK/FN FAL that was used. We have 20,000+ gun laws in the US. All they have to do is enforce the ones we have instead of making new ones.
Just wish the media would quit plastering the idiot(s) faces and names all over when some nutcase goes bonkers. Instead of using the murders name, just refer to them as scumbag or the like. Don't give them the recognition.
- Dolphin-headed purple plasma TLR thing?
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- Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:12 pm
- Location: Melbourne. Australia
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
I understand that the American people should never give up their liberty, the right to bare arms, or anything else that your constitution affords.
Over here they are steadily whiling away our rights with statutes a legislative law.
George Orwell 1984 brings some similarities to the current world we live in.
I think I posted my comment prior to another 50+ people were slaughtered. The bloke should have just shot himself and spared the victim's and families the sadness and fear he bestowed upon them.
I'm all for freedom, but those who govern are all for control. It doesn't matter what you think, your gun's will be taken away eventually.
Will the world be a better place? Probably not.
Over here they are steadily whiling away our rights with statutes a legislative law.
George Orwell 1984 brings some similarities to the current world we live in.
I think I posted my comment prior to another 50+ people were slaughtered. The bloke should have just shot himself and spared the victim's and families the sadness and fear he bestowed upon them.
I'm all for freedom, but those who govern are all for control. It doesn't matter what you think, your gun's will be taken away eventually.
Will the world be a better place? Probably not.
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Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
I agree wholeheartedly, the minute our world begins to understand that the media is actually being far more harmful in some respects than helpful and begins to legislate the hell out of them( not that they already aren't to some degree), then I think we'll be better off. Global communication has worsened this because now the whole world is the same stage whereas 20years ago which ramps up the frequency of us hearing about terrible events, whereas we used to only hear about the bad shit that happened in our local municipalities, for the most part.Rob wrote:Just wish the media would quit plastering the idiot(s) faces and names all over when some nutcase goes bonkers. Instead of using the murders name, just refer to them as scumbag or the like. Don't give them the recognition.
The other way in which our world will become a better place, is to stop letting all the bloody fear mongering(drastically made worse by the media) dictate legislation. Because of the fear of being sued and liability bullshit, it's gotten to the point where a kid can't be a kid any longer because our societies have encased them in little bubbles, unless of course, that means sitting on an Xbox for 5 hours a day.
My generation had fifteen foot high slides with a six inch high rail on either side, how many deaths were there or did you hear about? And if there were, that would have been no-one elses fault but the fault of that very child's "Parents." Keanu Reaves says one of movie's best lines ever in Parenthood, you know they'll let any bleaming asshole have a kid, but you have to get a licence to have a dog. People always want someone else to blame, other than themselves, when irresponsible assholes begin to take responsibility for their own friggen mistakes, well, maybe then....
I think the other thing that needs to be put into perspective, is that a good portion of the world looks at all of the US atrocities without consideration of it's population. Canada and Australia, 37Million, 26million, respectively. US has 325million, hell, California has close to 40million itself. If we're following the 90% decent people, 10% asshole, rule, that's a LOT more assholes, almost all of Canada's entire population. Not to mention, the rat in a cage agression, or sardines in a can, effect.
Ok, stepping of the soap box now.
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
- Help!!! I need a LIFE!!!
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- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
Thanks for the debrief on the guns by the way Rob, I was thinking more about the ways in which they fire as I thought some even had an internal piston that fires much the same way an ICE does, no, yeah? The article I skimmed seemed to suggest far more complexity than a simple firing pin meets rim or centre, shell explodes and propels projectile. I think I'm gonna have to dig some more myself, big price advantages/difference as well yeah, no?
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
sickle, heres an animation on the firing cycle. Sorry its also an advert for a firearms company also but show the whole process the rifle goes through when you pull the trigger.
Spook, the second they try to come for peoples firearms here, we'll have another civil war. They already gave Obama a "Gun salesman of the year" award. Everytime he mention gun control, sales skyrocketed. Clinton claims she's going to do it, but she better be more concerned about staying out of prison herself. Politics in this country are so corrupt its sad when a looney real estate mogul is considered the best choice for President.
Spook, the second they try to come for peoples firearms here, we'll have another civil war. They already gave Obama a "Gun salesman of the year" award. Everytime he mention gun control, sales skyrocketed. Clinton claims she's going to do it, but she better be more concerned about staying out of prison herself. Politics in this country are so corrupt its sad when a looney real estate mogul is considered the best choice for President.
- Dolphin-headed purple plasma TLR thing?
- Posts: 3839
- Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:12 pm
- Location: Melbourne. Australia
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
I heard a while ago that some charges may be raised against clinton. Trump is just downright nuts, and sadly he may end up being the leader of one of the world major powers. God help us. 

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- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
Uhvey!Rob wrote:Politics in this country are so corrupt its sad when a looney real estate mogul is considered the best choice for President.
Don't even get me started on how badly corrupt the Federal Food and Drug Admin is, Insurance, Municipalities, Hell the politics even within my kid's "Christian" School or bad enough
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
- Help!!! I need a LIFE!!!
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- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
Ahhh, I see, Very cool. Are they all "without lube" jobs and have that RF85 nano metal shtuff, or was that just that one company's advert? Sorry for all the questions, just really find the whole bit rather intriguing after reading a bit of an article on them. Are they was less expensive than regular firearms btw?Rob wrote:sickle, heres an animation on the firing cycle. Sorry its also an advert for a firearms company also but show the whole process the rifle goes through when you pull the trigger.
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
The RF85 is just that companys gimmick. Prices depends on what you want. Cheap as $500-600 all the way to $7500 and up. Paid $1000 for a Bushmaster back in 98. The one I built is around $1500, pistol $900. Most new bolt deer rifles run $500-700.
- Help!!! I need a LIFE!!!
- Posts: 3519
- Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:35 pm
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Re: Rolled back into an old hobby.
Funny you should mention deer rifle, cause that's what I think I'd like. Figure I want to go hunting, although, I'm not certain the costs would be any better than just buying a side of beef. Of course, the game would be far more natural, better for you, and you'd have that satisfaction, but, the bs you gotta go through just to get a ticket up here now... Uhvey!
And the guy a get my beef from is really good, all natural grass fed, blah, blah
And the guy a get my beef from is really good, all natural grass fed, blah, blah
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin
Yes Yes I know, I said, I'm building a project YZF1070
Basement is done now, 850 finished and gone...
Gotta get the new siding up on the house.
Fixing the FZ1 up, cleaning up garage and then I might even begin